70000 Tons of Metal starting in four months – are you with us?
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In 4 months, on January 28, 2013, 40 Heavy Metal bands and 2,000 fans from all over the World will set sail for round 3 of 70 000 TONS OF METAL, The Original Metal Cruise: Home of the biggest open air stage to sail the oceans!
The following 18 out of 40 bands have been announced: ANACRUSIS, DIE APOKALYPTISCHEN REITER, DORO, DRAGONFORCE, ENSIFERUM, FLOTSAM AND JETSAM, GOTTHARD, HELLOWEEN, HELSTAR, IMMOLATION, IN FLAMES, KREATOR, LACUNA COIL, NILE, RAGE and LINGUA MORTIS ORCHESTRA, SABATON, SUBWAY TO SALLY and of course TURISAS. Don’t miss out on your trip of a lifetime, book NOW at: http://www.70000tons.com/