Turisas confirmed for PPM Fest 2013, Belgium
We can happily announce that Turisas will be playing at Power Prog & Metal Fest in Belgium, 12.-14 April 2013
Avenue Thomas Edison, 2
7000 Mons, Belgique
We can happily announce that Turisas will be playing at Power Prog & Metal Fest in Belgium, 12.-14 April 2013
Avenue Thomas Edison, 2
7000 Mons, Belgique
In 4 months, on January 28, 2013, 40 Heavy Metal bands and 2,000 fans from all over the World will set sail for round 3 of 70 000 TONS OF METAL, The Original Metal Cruise: Home of the biggest open air stage to sail the oceans!
The following 18 out of 40 bands have been announced: ANACRUSIS, DIE APOKALYPTISCHEN REITER, DORO, DRAGONFORCE, ENSIFERUM, FLOTSAM AND JETSAM, GOTTHARD, HELLOWEEN, HELSTAR, IMMOLATION, IN FLAMES, KREATOR, LACUNA COIL, NILE, RAGE and LINGUA MORTIS ORCHESTRA, SABATON, SUBWAY TO SALLY and of course TURISAS. Don’t miss out on your trip of a lifetime, book NOW at: http://www.70000tons.com/
Edit 02.10.2012 – ALL THE LANYARDS HAVE BEEN SENT, the campaign has ended.
Whoa, what a day! On Friday, Turisas was featured on a Japanese prime-time TV show “Sekai Banzuke” and people seemed to love it – ‘Turisas’ went on Twitter’s Japanese trending topic list and all the albums shot to the charts.
Our latest album Stand Up and Fight went to #1, beating Linkin Park on Amazon’s rock charts. Amazing!
ありがとう! Thanks to all our old & new Japanese fans! Maybe a tour in Japan would be a good idea, what do you say?
You can watch the clip on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nah5SBsh-8s
Lisää kotimaan keikkoja! Turisas soittaa marraskuussa ensimmäisen kerran Lahdessa – on jo aikakin. Finlandia-klubilla rytisee lauantaina 03.11. klo 21:00. Liput Lippupalvelusta.
Jo aiemmin julkistettiin keikka Turun Caribia Metal Halloween -tapahtumassa 02.11., jossa Turisas soittaa pääesiintyjänä. Mukana myös kovat kotimaiset Mokoma, The Man-Eating Tree, Black Crows Break the Silence, For the Imperium sekä brittiläinen theFALLEN.
Caribia Areena on myös julkistanut kisan, jonka voittaja kavereineen saa koko aition käyttöönsä. Osallistu kilpailuun Areenan Facebook-sivulla.
* 02.11. Caribia Metal Halloween @ Caribia Areena, Turku (FIN) – Turisas, Mokoma, The Man-Eating Tree, Black Crows Break the Silence, theFALLEN (UK), For the Imperium – Liput/ tickets: Lippu.fi & Facebook event
* 03.11. Finlandia-klubi @ Sibeliustalo, Lahti (FIN) – Liput/tickets: Lippupalvelu.fi
English summary: Turisas will play two shows in Finland this fall, 02.11. in Turku, Carbia Metal Halloween & 03.11. in Lahti, Finlandia-klubi. The band is headlining both shows. Tickets from the links above. Welcome!