Limited number of VIP meet & greet packages now available for TURISAS PaganFest shows!

Recently we announced that we’re headlining the “PaganFest America Part III” tour. Due to many requests we’ve had about meet & greet events, we are now happy to offer a strictly limited number of meet & greet VIP packages for all the shows. Please see the details HERE.

VIP Pass for Turisas shows at PaganFest 2012

Bruce already got his, hurry up!

The VIP pass entitles you to an exclusive VIP laminate, meet&greet with the band, a chance to get your photos taken with us and discount on all TURISAS merch items on tour. We only have a handful of these, so get yours now before they run out!

Thanks for your endless support, it’s great to come back to North America!

TURISAS returns to North America – headlining “PaganFest: America Part III” tour

Paganfest USA 2012 tour poster

OK, time to make it official and confirm the rumours: Turisas will be headlining the 2012 version of PaganFest America. We will be joined by Alestorm (Scotland), Ex Deo (Italy), Arkona (Russia) and Huntress (USA).

In regards to the upcoming tour, frontman Mathias Nygard comments:
“It took time but finally we had a chance to make it back to North America. After many successful tours there with acts like Cradle of Filth and Dragonforce during the past few years, it’s great to return as a headliner. This is a killer combo with great variety – some of the most twisted acts of the folkier side of metal! Be prepared for a great night out – I expect to witness some crazy audiences!”

So don’t miss out! Check the dates below to see when TURISAS and PaganFest will be coming to a city near you.

The tour kicks off on March 29th in Baltimore, MD and wraps up a few weeks later in Los Angeles. Here is the full routing (updates possible):

3/29 – Baltimore, MD @ Sonar

3/30 – Worcester, MA @ Palladium

3/31 – New York, NY @ Gramercy Theatre

4/1 – Montreal, QC @ Club Soda

4/2 – Toronto, ON @ The Opera House

4/3 – Cleveland, OH @ Peabody’s

4/4 – Detroit, MI @ Blondie’s

4/5 – Chicago, IL @ Reggie’s Rock Club

4/6 – Saint Paul, MN @ Station 4

4/7 – Louisville, KY @ Vernon Club

4/8 – Charlotte, NC @ Tremont Music Hall

4/9 – Atlanta, GA @ The Masquerade

4/11 – Dallas, TX @ Trees

4/12 – Lubbock, TX @ Jake’s

4/13 – Denver, CO @ The Marquis

4/15 – Seattle, WA @ Studio Seven

4/16 – Portland, OR @ Hawthorne Theatre

4/17 – San Francisco, CA @ DNA Lounge

4/18 – West Hollywood, CA @ Key Club
4/19 – Tempe, AZ @ 910 Live *Without Alestorm*

More info:

Soundwave 2012 Australia: Sidewave shows with Cathedral & Paradise Lost

Soundwave Festival 2012

Soundwave Sidewaves – sideshows announced!

Cathedral/ Paradise Lost/ Turisas

Wednesday 29 February – The Factory, Sydney
Thursday 1 March – The Espy, Melbourne

Don’t miss your chance to farewell one of metals’ greats!

Closing the curtain on a stellar career spanning two decades, doom metal legends CATHEDRAL announce their last ever headline shows as part of two exclusive sidewaves in Sydney and Melbourne, giving Australian fans an opportunity to be a part of metal history.

Twenty years, in which they’ve proved themselves to be a band who not only transcend metal, but all or any genre classifications one might attempt to restrict them within. Yet far beyond all expectations, their ninth album, ‘The Guessing Game’ is their boldest outing and is “a collection of timeless tracks that could easily span the decades” – Rock Sound

CATHEDRAL’S legacy will well and truly continue, with the band releasing their final studio album ‘ The Last Spire’ in 2012 an expression of gratitude to their cult following.
PARADISE LOST have pioneered gothic metal. Their desire to evolve and stay ahead of musical trends continues with their latest effort ‘Faith Divides Us Death Unites Us’ “a record of epic beauty with so many moments of genius” – Rock Sound.

Get ready for battle! One of the most exciting live bands in the world; Finland’s battle metal masters TURISAS, is once again setting course for Australia. TURISAS’S blistering live shows are etched in metal folklore so don’t miss the opportunity to witness one of the “artists of the decade” – Terrorizer




Vote Turisas! // Finnish Metal Awards 2012 // Äänestä Turisasta!

FINNISH METAL AWARDS give glory to the best Finnish metal bands, albums and musicians already for the 7th time. Award ceremonies take place during Helsinki Metal Meeting/ Finnish Metal Expo on 18 February 2012.

The voting has begun for the annual Finnish Metal Awards.

The voting lasts until the end of January (yeah, it’s still long way there but come on, do it now and then it’s fucking done!), and the winners will be announced at the Finnish Metal Expo on February 18th.

You can vote in the following categories: LEVY/ALBUM – Stand Up and Fight, BÄNDI/BAND – Turisas, TAIDE/ART – Stand Up and Fight, SOITTAJA/ MUSICIAN – Jussi Wickström, Olli Vänskä, Tude Lehtonen, Robert Engstrand, Jukka-Pekka Miettinen, LAULAJA/SINGER/VOCALIST – Mathias Nygård

NOTE! don’t add any extra characters to your answer, just the name (that’s important for the automatic vote counting).

For voting you need to add your name (both first name and last name) and your e-mail address at the end. Confidentiality is guaranteed – no spam!

Like Finnish Metal Awards @


FINNISH METAL AWARDS palkitsee jo seitsemättä kertaa vuoden parhaat kotimaiset hevit Helsinki Metal Meetingin/ Finnish Metal Expon yhteydessä 18. helmikuuta 2012.

Finnish Metal AwardsÄÄNESTÄ IMPERIUMIN SIVUILLA! *kliketiklik*

Parhautta palkitaan tuttuun tapaan seitsemässä eri kategoriassa ja valinnan teette jälleen te, kotimaisen raskaan musiikin seuraajat.

Itsekseen jupiseminen ei anna palkintoja kenellekään, joten anna äänesi kuulua virallisessa FMA-äänestyksessä osoitteessa

Äänestysaika päättyy 31. tammikuuta 2012 klo 23:59 (joo joo, onhan sitä aikaa vielä mutta kamoon, äänestä nyt saman tien niin se on sitten hoidettu! nih! lav juu long time!). Finnish Metal Awards -palkintogaala järjestetään Helsinki Metal Meetingissä, Kaapelitehtaalla lauantaina 18.2.2012.

Voit äänestää seuraavissa kategorioissa: LEVY/ALBUM – Stand Up and Fight, BÄNDI/BAND – Turisas, TAIDE/ART – Stand Up and Fight, SOITTAJA/ MUSICIAN – Jussi Wickström, Olli Vänskä, Tude Lehtonen, Robert Engstrand, Jukka-Pekka Miettinen, LAULAJA/SINGER/VOCALIST – Mathias Nygård

Voit äänestää myös tekstiviestillä numeroon 16130.

Lähetä viesti FMA kategoria ja suosikkisi tiedot numeroon 16130 (esim. FMA LEVY Frank Sinatra My Way).

Viestin hinta: 0,95 EUR/viesti ja palvelu toimii yleisimmillä matkapuhelinliittymillä.

Puhelinäänestyskategoriat ja -viestimuodot ovat:

FMA LEVY (FMA LEVY yhtyeennimi levynnimi)
FMA BÄNDI (FMA BÄNDI yhtyeennimi)
FMA TAIDE (FMA TAIDE yhtyeennimi levynnimi)
FMA SOITTAJA (FMA SOITTAJA etunimi sukunimi)
FMA LAULAJA (FMA LAULAJA etunimi sukunimi)
FMA DEMO (FMA DEMO yhtyeennimi julkaisu)

Otathan äänestäessäsi huomioon, että vastaukset käsitellään koneellisesti. Niinpä kysyttäessä nimeä älä esim. kirjoita sulkuihin bändin nimeä. ME tajuaisimme sen kyllä, mutta äänestyskone ei.

Tykkää Finnish Metal Awardsista osoitteessa


Tour posters available for Spain & Portugal – calling out Street Team!

The updated tour posters for next week’s gigs are now available. Wanna help us out? Print them out & distribute with people you know / on streets nearby the club OR just spread the link online. Thanks, let’s make it a good one!

Portugal tour poster, November 2011

Portugal tour poster, November 2011

Spain tour poster, November 2011

Spain tour poster, November 2011